How i survived the cops!!!

so i was making creepypastas but they kept getting deleted by the username shit_will_happen (not a real username). i got so fucking annoyed so i somehow found out where he lived and i flew over there and snapped his neck and deleted his whole account some how. i laughed like a bitch to how mighty clevers i was.
so i took his body and sold it on ebay for 6 dollars. i then sold 4 people on ebay and amazon and one person i sold him at a yard sale. i then made creepypastas again but got deleted by another fake stupid username named that_one_girrafe_5660. i thought to mehself what a stupid username. i somehow found out where he lived and i swam through ground to his house and ripped his head off. and i sold his body in a thrith shop for 1 dollar.
the cops then came to meh house and me and kermixx beat the shit out of the cops with pistols,baseball bats,AK 47's,shot guns,rifles and are secret weapon dogexx (not doge but dogexx).
so we survived and i ate kermixx and i was free and lived a life of crime. until evil patrixx squished meh like a bug and i's died.